SanFli NFC Wireless

Finance-trusted NFC wireless means: No insecure Bluetooth, no jamming, no spoofing, no crowded channels, no inconvenient pairing... only easy-to-use tactical wireless audio.

The Problem

The tactical audio headset cable is Dangerous and Restrictive

This connection:

  • Unplugs at the worst moments,

  • Tangles with weapons slings, antennas, other equipment,

  • Snags on vehicle harnesses, and

  • Interferes with special equipment including parachute ripcord handles.

The Army knows and has even requested new technology to fix it:

The Solution

SanFli NFC Wireless

The Patented SanFli System:

  • eliminates the dangerous cable,

  • provides a constant audio link,

  • weighs less than 2.5 ounces each,

  • mounts to ARC rails and MOLLE,

  • is plug-and-play with MIL audio,

  • uses simple, loop antennas that can be serviced in the field,

  • does not interfere with communications, and most importantly:

  • is practically impossible to eavesdrop or jam because NFC requires a distance <10 meters even to attempt.

Products and Services

Patented Antenna Array

Reference PCB Design

And Fully Functional Software Examples

Consultancy Available to Integrate into Existing Products

SanFli can be used as a standalone module, as in the prototype version, or integrated into existing tactical audio headsets and PTTs
